ime, he could charter a bus and drive it directly back to his hometown, and he would be able to bring all his relatives and his grandmother who didn’t come. The uncle and cousins ??all came to Shuangqing to attend his wedding, instead of each family having to send only one representative.

ime, he could charter a bus and drive it directly back to his hometown, and he would be able to bring all his relatives and his grandmother who didn’t come. The uncle and cousins ??all came to Shuangqing to attend his wedding, instead of each family having to send only one representative.
Every time from now on, uncle and mother-in-law. Or maybe it was when my aunt came back to play in Shuangqing. Wang Bo always bought them return tickets online and repeatedly threatened not to let them pay. The uncle and his wife happily nodded in agreement, but as soon as they got on the bus, a text message rang, telling Wang Bo what was going on at home. There are hundreds of dollars in the place. Ask him to pick it up carefully and not forget it.
Wang Bo’s immersion in memories of the past did not last long. With the arrival of Tian Xin, Guan Ping and others, the rice noodle shop suddenly became lively.
Wang Bo also calmed down. While greeting his uncle and aunt, he arranged for a few employees to do things, and once again told them to remember their positions. At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that if he could still get married in this life, no matter where he was, even at the end of the world, he would never get married again. A Relative He Cares
Although the relatives tried to evade and said polite words, as soon as the soup and water boiled, Wang Bo called a few of his men to start serving food to the relatives. Moreover, in order to let everyone experience the new way of ordering, Wang Bo did not ask everyone what they wanted to eat, but drove them all to the cashier in front and asked them to look at the restaurant in front of them, which was brightly reflected by the box lights. There are exquisite physical menus one by one. You can order what you want by looking at the menu.
This novel way of ordering food made the relatives feel fresh and eager to try it.
Relatives were carrying the rice noodles they ordered. Not long after they finished eating Hezi Noodles and Chaoshou, an aunt in her sixties came in. Looking at the “high-end, grand, and upscale” dining environment, she looked a little intimidated and confused. As if she should stay or go, her aunt Zhong Xiaomin saw her and immediately stepped forward to guide her.
“Auntie, are you here for breakfast?” Zhong Xiaomin asked with an enthusiastic smile.
“You are the sister-in-law Zeng next door,” the aunt asked uncertainly.
“Yes, yes, we are Zeng Sao Rice Noodles. It used to be an old store, but now it is a newly opened store.” Zhong Xiaomin explained.
“Then your price is a lot.” The aunt hesitated and finally asked the question she was most concerned about.
“The price is the same as before, auntie, two liang, one yuan and five, three liang, two yuan.”
/“Oh, if you want it, you can give me two liang of chicken mixed with rice noodles.” When the aunt heard that the price had not increased, she immediately became happy.
“Auntie, things are different now. Now you need to go to the front desk to order in person. So, come with me, and I wi