atus, short-term planning and future development, as well as how to organically integrate with Wujiang locals and achieve a win-win situation of economic and social benefits with the government and tea farmers. Si’s theme report. This report was personally delivered by Wen Liang, with his unparalleled overall view and grand momentum, combined with Fan Bo’s solid theoretical skills, from the shallower to the deeper, layer by layer, extending from the establishment of a professional tea cooperative to Fan Bo’s irrefutable eloquence perfectly presented a magnificent picture of harmony between the government, enterprises and the people, and the overall unity of society, environment and development under the wave of reform.

atus, short-term planning and future development, as well as how to organically integrate with Wujiang locals and achieve a win-win situation of economic and social benefits with the government and tea farmers. Si’s theme report. This report was personally delivered by Wen Liang, with his unparalleled overall view and grand momentum, combined with Fan Bo’s solid theoretical skills, from the shallower to the deeper, layer by layer, extending from the establishment of a professional tea cooperative to Fan Bo’s irrefutable eloquence perfectly presented a magnificent picture of harmony between the government, enterprises and the people, and the overall unity of society, environment and development under the wave of reform.
Finally, Fan Bo concluded with a vivid metaphor: “Just as the central government has prepared a reform framework for state-owned enterprises, local governments can take the initiative to draw a large blank space and then leave it to outstanding entrepreneurs and hundreds of millions of people to join forces. Painting, I believe that the future of our company will be better, and the lives of our people will also be happier.”
When Wen Liang concluded with these two sentences, Ning Xi laughed at him for losing his moral integrity in order to flatter Wen Liang. But he asked her back, at this current moment, if we don’t reform, is there any way out?
/Ning Xi was silent for a long time and shook her head.
/Wen Liang was equally silent. After several decades, state-owned enterprises were on the edge of the cliff by the mid-1990s and had to be reformed. But the problem is that this kind of top-down reform originating from within the system has no precedent to follow, no experience to draw from, and no economist can guarantee that the consequences of the reform will be more perfect than maintaining the status quo. All the decision-makers can do is to cross the river by feeling the stones. If they go the wrong way, they will turn back and start again. So there will be disputes between left and right, and discussions about advancement and retreat. Therefore, more than ten years later, there will be curses everywhere. There will be what are called three new mountains falling on top of it.
But the merits and demerits of a thousand years cannot be blamed on one person. Under the economic background at that time, Chen Longqi had chosen a relatively correct path, but some people expected that he had chosen an absolutely correct path.
Unfortunately, there are no absolutes in this world!
What is even more regrettable is that the national reform is firm but not decisive, and the grain reform is firm but not firm. Without exception, it will fall into another misunderstanding many years later. However, there are no ifs in history. The consequences many years later cannot be used to refute the causes many years ago. That’s not science, let alone dialectics.
As soon as Fan Bo finished speaking, Zhu Jiusi took the lead in applauding, and then whispered something to Wei Qiwen in an unknown voice, with a smile cl