ntly, her eyes as clear as water filled with unforgettable pain, and said: “You are wrong, in the heart of that silly boy, He is always pretending to be another person, I can feel it. He is smiling, thinking about her, meditating, and thinking about her. Even when he loses his temper, there is that person hidden in his heart.” “

ntly, her eyes as clear as water filled with unforgettable pain, and said: “You are wrong, in the heart of that silly boy, He is always pretending to be another person, I can feel it. He is smiling, thinking about her, meditating, and thinking about her. Even when he loses his temper, there is that person hidden in his heart.” ”
I have never said these words to others. I have said that although the silly boy is a good chat partner, I understand that in his eyes, I, you, and Xiao Ning are just children who don’t understand anything. As long as they are carefree and happy, It’s good to be happy. So I show him happiness and joy, so that he can do his big things with peace of mind, instead of worrying about whether I got up late or was late, cried when I didn’t do well in the exam, or quarreled with my father. I feel depressed. In fact, what I want is not these trivial things, not these trivial and messy lives. I want to know why there is always worry between his eyebrows, why his smile can never stretch, and why his heart is tightly locked. , I tried my best, but I still couldn’t get even an inch away.”
/Ji Su never thought that a girl like Xu Yao, who is almost perfect regardless of her family background, appearance, personality, and popularity, would actually have such deep hurt and pain hidden in her heart. , she seemed to feel the other person’s trembling heart for a moment, which was the resonance beating from the depths of the soul for the same boy, for the same love.
Her injury is felt by both of us, and her pain is known to both of us!
/Falling in love with someone, whether it is the sweetness of happiness or sweet happiness, will eventually turn into sad tears?
If you fall in love with someone, whether you are under the acacia tree or beside the gardenia, will the leaves and flowers eventually turn into mud and become dust?
Is it that love is too painful, or that at such a young age, we have never understood what true love is?
Ji Su fell into a trance, and the countless paper cranes dancing in the wind on the rooftop flashed in his mind. That day, a girl said to a boy with a smile that brightened the whole fleeting time: I may not be the first one to enter your life. People, but they must be the ones who are willing to accompany you for the longest time!
Liu Tianlai laughed and said: “It’s not that serious, but I think you are not in a good state of mind, brother. Do you have a knot in your heart?”
The words still ring in her ears, as if it were yesterday. Her eyes gradually return to clarity, and she lowers her head to ask her heart, her heart as solid as a rock, as firm and fearless as she was then.
I like him, not for possession, but just to stand behind him, hear his smile, and know that he is happy; see his face, and know that he is happy, that is enough!
The distance between Xu Yao and Wen Liang is only that illusory girl who may or may not exist, but between her and Wen Liang, there is only Xu Yao, which is an insurmountable distance.
So Ji Su never had extravagant hopes, but she w