ctor Zuo, you’re here. I always want to sleep but can’t fall asleep during this period. I didn’t expect that after sitting for a while, I felt a little tired.”

ctor Zuo, you’re here. I always want to sleep but can’t fall asleep during this period. I didn’t expect that after sitting for a while, I felt a little tired.”
Whether he was the deputy mayor in charge of education or was later promoted to mayor, Zhou Yuanting always affectionately called Zuo Yuxi Director Xiaozuo. Time has passed, one is a guest, and the other is a prisoner. The words of Director Zuo end the unpredictable world and the vicissitudes of life.
Zuo Yuxi didn’t respond. He pulled out his chair and sat down. He said coldly: “Mayor Zhou, why do you insist on asking to see me?”
/Zhou Yuanting laughed at himself: “You are still the same, you haven’t changed at all!”
He lowered his head and was silent for a moment. When he raised it again, his eyes were very complicated and he said: “Yuxi, whether you believe it or not, no matter how incompatible I am with Secretary Zuo, I have never thought of using such means.” hurt you!”
/“It’s a long story,” Zhou Yuanting sighed and said, “At that time…”
At that time, Zuo Jing and Fang Mingtang were openly at odds over the position of Secretary of the Lingyang Municipal Party Committee. Fan Hengan, who was the largest source of funds behind Fang Mingtang, became the key target of Zuo Jing’s attention. Just by looking at Zuo Yuxi, you can tell that Zuo Jing is not a kind-hearted person who follows the rules. Bank reminders, industrial and commercial inspections, and tax spot inspections, a combination of punches, beat Fan Hengan half to death, and then the police, procuratorate, and law enforcement officials came to visit from time to time. After catching one batch after another, even though Fang Mingtang tried every means to protect them, there were too many handles and they could not be saved. In the end, even the sellers who had always cooperated closely were frightened, and they all changed their houses and abandoned them.
By the time Zuo Jing successfully took office in Lingyang, Fan Hengan’s industries had been severely affected and were almost on the verge of bankruptcy. If Fang Mingtang can lose the opportunity and gain the mulberry tree, and take over Zuo Jing’s position as secretary of the Qingzhou Municipal Party Committee, it will only be a matter of time before Fan Hengan rises again. But things in this world are always winners and losers. Not only did Fang Mingtang fail to win Lingyang, but his road to Qingzhou also came to an end. He sadly retreated to the second line and lost all his right to speak.
There are many rumors about the reasons for Fang Mingtang’s failure, but the most reliable ones involve the factional struggle between Yu Peidong and Wu Wenyue. Fang Mingtang, who belongs to the Wu clan, has never been liked by Yu Peidong, but it is difficult to challenge him because there is no proper reason. This time, Fang Mingtang was moving up and down to compete for Lingyang’s position, and some of the information fell into Yu Peidong’s hands, so he was easily ousted.
But Wu Wenyue is not easy to mess with. Losing Fang Mingtang is a trivia