The alloy eaten will also become the energy of the Zerg. Compared with energy-containing crystals like krypton crystal, the alloy does not provide much energy to the Zerg.

If it weren’t for destroying the defensive wall, ordinary Zerg would not feed on alloy.
“Stop, the Logistics Department builds a defensive wall!” Captain Macaulay ordered loudly.
As his order was issued, the six thousand federal soldiers stopped advancing and stopped three thousand meters away from the original defense line.
Although the combat personnel for this operation were only 6,000 federal soldiers, two extraordinarys and six knights, plus David, the ‘sniper master’ who was sent to assist, the material support at the rear was very large.
The large transport spacecraft of the Logistics Department did not dare to rise too high and could only fly at low altitude. They passed through this section of the cleared passage and arrived at the scene.
The Logistics Department has rich experience. Their calculation of time is accurate and will not put the large transport spacecraft in danger because it is too early or too late.
/If the ten large transport spaceships do not plan the best plan through precise calculation of time, they will definitely be targeted by the Zerg.
The large transport spacecraft landed on the ground, the cargo bay door of the transport spacecraft opened, and ‘heavy mobile armored defense engineering vehicles’ drove out from inside.
This oversized, overlong and overweight ‘heavy mobile armored defense engineering vehicle’ immediately left deep wheel marks on the ground when it drove off the large transport spacecraft.
This is despite the fact that the wheels of the ‘Heavy Mobile Armored Defense Engineering Vehicle’ use dozens of sets of road wheels. You can imagine how terrifying the weight of the ‘Heavy Mobile Armored Defense Engineering Vehicle’ is.
All federal soldiers maintained a vigilant posture. The ‘Heavy Mobile Armored Defense Engineering Vehicle’ slowly stopped behind them and was protected by them, but they would soon be protected by the ‘Heavy Mobile Armored Defense Engineering Vehicle’.
As the ‘heavy mobile armored defense engineering vehicles’ on the ten large transport spaceships all drove off, the number of ‘heavy mobile armored defense engineering vehicles’ reached as many as twenty.
The ‘Heavy Mobile Armored Defense Engineering Vehicles’ were grouped together, and then all the ‘Heavy Mobile Armored Defense Engineering Vehicles’ began to transform.
The ‘heavy mobile armored defense engineering vehicle’ transforms into parts with different functions according to different preset functions.
Soon, under the protection of six thousand federal soldiers, a defensive wall appeared behind them.
The defensive wall is more than one thousand meters long, and is covered with Gauss cannons, forming a defensive fortress that can provide the most effective support to federal soldiers.
David saw a medium-sized warship flying over and landing behind the defensive wall, and then a hundred sniper soldiers carrying s