e summer time to the six-intention sword seal, to the autumn time to the six-intention sword seal, and to the winter time to the six-intention sword seal, they change into four seasons and appear all day long. Sequential but unpredictable!

And this, at the very beginning, was still just pure mutual evolution itself.
The talisman array is still just that one line, and the sword energy river is still just that one line.
While the performance is combined with understanding, the intertwining of this talisman formation and the long river of sword energy is also a real confrontation between the two people’s powerful magic power, from quantity to quality, from whether it is outstanding or not, to whether it is pure or not. .
All-round confirmation, all-round discussion, all-round confrontation!
Finally, when the two of them completed the harmonious transformation of the nine-fold talisman array and the twenty-four sword seals at different frequencies but at the same time.
Between the lightning and stone fire, the changes of Tao and Dharma and the interlacing of colorful auras, Chu Weiyang and Xie Jiang’s eyes looked at each other in mid-air.
There was a silent exchange, but looking at the clarity in each other’s eyes, both of them knew that even if it was revealed only this time, the meaning of the changes in Tao and Dharma itself had been fully comprehended by both of them.
Unless one can further master the essence of each other’s Tao and Dharma, this step alone is already the limit.
So, in the next moment, the changes themselves began to pile up!
It is the reflection of Wuji that reflects the two rites, it is the three talents that are transformed from the two rites, it is the three talents that multiply to form the four images, it is the intersection of the various phases that form the Five Elements and the Eight Diagrams!
It was Chu Weiyang who evolved the complete and harmonious nine-fold talisman array through his own understanding of his mind!
It is the six meanings of spring that flourish and become the six meanings of summer. It is the six meanings of summer that are fully concentrated and thick and becomes the six meanings of autumn. It is the six meanings of autumn that are chilled and chilled and becomes the six meanings of winter. It is the six meanings of winter. The six meanings of spring are stored in the ice!
The complete Four Seasons Sword, the complete Twenty-Four Sword Seal, after being completely integrated into the entire long river of sword energy, the Tianhe River swirls, and it seems that God’s will is revealed in the endless life!
Fight against the order of heaven and earth with all the phenomena of the universe!
When the Yushu Dragon King’s spiritual thoughts were revealed once again while hanging in the air, the real confrontation between the two of them between Tao and Dharma seemed to have just begun at this moment!
Half-suspended in the air, the nine-fold talisman formation collided with the swirling river of sword energy.
/From under the shield of red light, the entire jade al