e aliens had time to celebrate, an even greater disaster struck. Under the guidance of those semi-mechanical creatures, overwhelming battleships appeared in the star field where the aliens depended on their survival.

e aliens had time to celebrate, an even greater disaster struck. Under the guidance of those semi-mechanical creatures, overwhelming battleships appeared in the star field where the aliens depended on their survival.
“Take away all the water on the planet?” The little monk was so shocked that he opened his mouth from ear to ear, showing a look of disbelief.
/“Are you sure they took away the water on the planet?” The young monk was not very interested in anything else and asked eagerly.
Water is one of the most common substances on the earth. It is an important resource for the survival of all life, including humans, and is also the most important component of living organisms. Water played an important role in the evolution of life.
Human beings still have very little understanding of the universe and life, and cannot measure life in the entire universe based on the survival conditions of life on earth. Just because people can’t breathe in water doesn’t mean there is no life in the water. We used to think that there was too much pressure and no sunlight at the bottom of the sea, but it turned out that there were quite a lot of biological species there. In the past, we thought that life could not survive under the conditions of exposure in space, but the tardigrade can survive at ultra-low temperatures of minus 270 degrees, and even when transported to the high-radiation vacuum of outer space.
In fact, the secret of the tardigrade’s immortality is “pretending to be dead”. When the environment becomes too harsh to survive, it will stop metabolism and adapt to the harsh environment by going into hibernation; however, after the environment returns to normal, it seems to be in an extreme state. As long as there is a drop of water in the dry state, the tardigrade will wake up again and resume its body functions like Sleeping Beauty. Scientists also discovered that when the tardigrade’s DNA is damaged, it will also repair itself. According to reports, a tardigrade once lived for 120 years.
Human scientists have confirmed that many creatures can survive even without water. However, they have also proven that truly advanced intelligent creatures cannot do without water. This is why the little monk cares about water.
If there is an advanced intelligent creature that survives by robbing water, it will definitely be a disaster for mankind.
“That’s what my memory cells say.”
“How did they take away the water?” Even an artificial intelligence like the little monk cannot imagine taking away all the water in the oceans and lakes. This has surpassed humans. ideological category and technological level.
/“No hurry, I’m not in a hurry. Just think about it slowly, what happened to your planet in the end?”
“It’s gone.” Liu Xiaofei’s expression was straight.
“What do you mean it’s gone?” The little monk was unprecedentedly patient. Obviously, he also knew that Liu Xiaofei’s mood was extremely unstable now, so it was best not to stimulate him.
“More than thirty planets were all destroyed.”
“Blowed up?” A trace of