. At the moment when his fist was approaching, the target miraculously disappeared. In the flash of lightning, without any hesitation, Koslov’s left hand was used to block his chest, forming a line of defense.

. At the moment when his fist was approaching, the target miraculously disappeared. In the flash of lightning, without any hesitation, Koslov’s left hand was used to block his chest, forming a line of defense.
The fitness hall suddenly became silent. Thousands of pairs of eyes stared blankly at the ring. People could clearly see that the moment Koslov’s fist hit the young man’s face, the young man’s The body swayed and suddenly moved a little distance, a squatting and tilting movement, and the fist almost touched the young man’s face. Immediately after this movement, the young man who avoided the fist suddenly stood up again. , kicked hard with his back foot, and his body shot towards Koslov like an arrow off the string, at an astonishing speed.
/What makes people feel strange is that Koslov is like a blind man with slow movements, allowing the opponent to bully his body. Under the incredible eyes of thousands of pairs of eyes, the young man actually grabbed Koslov’s golden belt with both hands. With just a slight lift and wave, Koslov’s body flew down below the ring as if it had wings.
Seeing Koslov’s huge body falling in the air, the people under the ring ran away one after another, causing a commotion. Koslov fell heavily to the ground. Under the eyes of people, he immediately stood up, and then shook his head. After taking two staggering steps, he fell to the ground again
. There was a suffocating silence in the entire fitness hall. People’s eyes returned to the ring. The young man stood quietly on the ring, looking at it with a pair of deep eyes. Looking at Koslov below the ring.
“Leave now!”
“Why? I haven’t taken the money yet.”
“Fool, he’s already fainted, and you still get a bird. The money can’t escape. If you don’t give the money, you’ll probably beat him again. I just checked the Xingyao’s information, and there is no record of defaulting on the account. Let’s go quickly, it must be mysterious!”
under the eyes of thousands of pairs of eyes, Liu Fei picked up the clothes on the edge of the ring, and several He jumped and disappeared into the corridor, leaving behind a group of sluggish soldiers.
Just as Xiao Qiangguang Nao said, Liu Fei left a mysterious figure behind a group of soldiers.
Immediately, some good people checked the image data on the spacecraft and found that this young man in a suit had appeared next to General Danny. Immediately, rumors about Liu Fei spread, and people speculated about Liu Fei’s identity. .
In just a few dozen minutes, the holographic video of the fighting match between Liu Fei and Koslov spread to every corner of the Xingyao starship battle group.
Some were impressed.
Some disagree.
There are also curious ones.
People were skeptical about Liu Fei’s skills, because the first time Liu Fei knocked out Koslov’s teeth was not considered a fighting match at all, but a naked sneak attack. The holographic video faithfully recorded the scene at that time. In the scene, Koslov just asked Liu Fei to give way, and Liu Fei immediately turned a