k rushing out and had already taken a few steps back. Logically speaking, he could not hit her husband. However, she saw that her husband seemed to be pushed forward by an invisible force. For a moment, her husband stumbled to the ground and rolled directly under the wheels of the truck, which would surely have killed him.

k rushing out and had already taken a few steps back. Logically speaking, he could not hit her husband. However, she saw that her husband seemed to be pushed forward by an invisible force. For a moment, her husband stumbled to the ground and rolled directly under the wheels of the truck, which would surely have killed him.
Anna was heartbroken at the time, but she still held out hope and asked the leader to save her husband, but unfortunately the leader did not agree. And told old lady Anna that her husband had entered heaven.
Old Mrs. Anna was relieved and felt relieved. After all, knowing that her husband was in heaven, she was relieved. But the sad old lady Anna still left the leader. Unexpectedly, after less than half a month of peaceful life, she began to notice some strange comments on the Internet. Many people and events that have been saved by the leader have been exposed. It is said that although the saved parties have recovered their health, they will die for various reasons later or later. This is like paying off a debt. Thinking of what happened to her husband, Mrs. Anna felt that there might be something wrong. But after all, I believe in the Resurrection Day religion, and the leader also said that her husband went to heaven. But after all, she was a soldier herself, so Mrs. Anna returned to religion and began to investigate. It turned out that those comments on the Internet were not groundless, and the people who were cured really died one by one afterward.
And along with her investigation, she discovered that the Resurrection Day religion is very problematic. Not only are the accounts unclear, but the leader seems to go to a place regularly every month to hold special ceremonies. Only those he considers to be the most loyal can participate in this ceremony, and outsiders cannot even inquire.
Old lady Anna showed enough loyalty at that time. She donated all her family property to Resurrection Day and behaved like a fanatical believer. Finally, she gained the trust of the leader and allowed her to participate in this ceremony. And here At that time, she was finally lucky enough to see this special ritual that was performed mysteriously every month.
/The ritual described by the old lady Anna was somewhat similar to what I saw in the photos, but in the end she said that this ritual clearly summoned not the loving power of God, but the power of the devil. They even sacrificed blood to draw the summoning circle, but unfortunately they were surrounded by irrational fanatical believers. Only old lady Anna was sober at the time.
It turns out that the soul will be purified after being instantly satisfied. The purified soul is particularly pure. After being killed, the soul taken out and fed to the devil can gain the power of the devil. Old lady Anna’s husband was such a victim.
After discovering the true face of Resurrection Day, this powerful old lady began her own revenge!
The act of revenge started in front of an old lady who had been a soldier and had experienced despair. The landlady didn’t s