giant bat monster’s head one by one, burning away the skin and flesh on its head bit by bit until the hard skull was exposed inside. , and then Liu Gan blasted it with fireballs one by one, burning its skull.

giant bat monster’s head one by one, burning away the skin and flesh on its head bit by bit until the hard skull was exposed inside. , and then Liu Gan blasted it with fireballs one by one, burning its skull.
More than ten long hours passed before the giant bat monster finally lowered its head and stopped waving its claws. It was beaten until it was dying and on the verge of death.
Liu Qian cautiously approached it and made sure that the thing was not pretending to be dead, but was really about to die. Then he raised his fist and used the Blazing Fist to burn the giant bat monster’s skull into a blackened, severely damaged skull. After smashing it wildly, another five hours passed before a small crack was opened in the skull of the giant bat monster. His fingers dug in and messed with it, finally ending its life.
Such strong bones, if put into a magic cabinet and refined into a pair of bone armor, the defense would definitely be super strong. Liu Gan estimated that wearing such a powerful pair of bone armor, he should be able to withstand the machine gun fire from Sanyu Company’s armored vehicle with this bone armor alone, and even withstand energy shells from the armored vehicle with no problem.
However, the prerequisite is that he must retrieve Zhang Mengdi, retrieve the magic cabinet, and then let the magic cabinet take the corpse in for sacrifice. This is really a headache.
You must know that this place is separated from his companions, but it is separated by nearly a hundred kilometers and two blizzard barriers. How to get out of the snow mountain and cross the two blizzard barriers is a very difficult problem for Liu Gan now.
Unless he could find a suitable aircraft and happen to know where the safe wind tunnel was.
Looking at the corpses of the giant bat monster and pure white zombies stuck in the cracks of the ice wall, Liu Gan decided to let them get stuck here for the time being. It was easier to carry the corpses of pure white zombies on his back. He wanted to get rid of the corpse of the giant bat monster. It’s not that easy to get up there.
After going up, just remember where the ice crevice is, find Zhang Mengdi, and then bring her over to get it. Or, with his current strength, he will have the opportunity to kill more pure white zombies and giant bat monsters in the future, so he won’t care about these two corpses.
After making the decision, Liu Qian began to climb up the ice crevice. This kind of ice crevice with two ice walls less than half a meter apart is much easier to climb than a single-sided ice wall. With his body firmly pressed against both sides and combined with Liu Gan’s iron hands and feet, he didn’t need to climb at all. He almost jumped up like a monkey.
/It’s just that the ice crevice is much deeper than Liu Gan imagined. He didn’t realize it when the wingsuit flew in. After climbing several hundred meters, he still couldn’t see the exit above the ice crevice, which made Liu Gan deeply doubt his previous intentions. The depth of being stuck is already more than a tho