ed after the two people’s leg bones collided powerfully and at high speed. Ling Fengyu only felt a sharp pain in the leg bones, and the entire My legs were a little numb, like the feeling of being hit with a heavy hammer while wearing plate armor.

ed after the two people’s leg bones collided powerfully and at high speed. Ling Fengyu only felt a sharp pain in the leg bones, and the entire My legs were a little numb, like the feeling of being hit with a heavy hammer while wearing plate armor.
/Liu Gan’s clone body still had alloy legs and feet specially built by Jiang Jinyuan, and they had passed the portal test, so he didn’t feel the powerful and heavy opponent’s feet at all this time.
Although Ling Fengyu’s leg bones were not really damaged in the opponent’s foot just now, the momentary pain was still a bit unbearable, and this momentary pain showed the instantaneous stiffness effect.
Liu Qian felt no pain and was not stiff for a moment, so he directly kicked out his other foot, hitting Ling Fengyu’s chest hard and accurately, causing Ling Fengyu to stagger back.
While Ling Fengyu staggered back, Liu Gan’s feet clung to his body and rushed forward without stopping. Ling Fengyu felt something was wrong, gritted his teeth and swung a waist-breaking strike at Liu Gan!
The moment before Ling Fengyu released his power, the chip in Liu Qian’s brain sensed a more powerful energy wave than before. Moreover, Liu Qian had sensed this energy wave when Ling Fengyu activated his waist-breaking power. passed, so he immediately understood what Ling Fengyu wanted to do.
After Liu Gan sensed something was wrong, he immediately used the power of ‘Storm Slash’ on Ling Fengyu, ‘Bang! With a muffled sound, Ling Fengyu’s broken waist hit Liu Qian’s body, and Liu Qian’s Storm Slash also knocked Ling Fengyu away.
Ling Fengyu’s broken waist drained about 20% of Liu Gan’s armor energy, but Liu Gan’s Storm Slash only drained about 10% of Ling Fengyu’s armor energy. Ling Fengyu was knocked back and staggered back to his feet. After standing still and comparing the damage caused to each other by the attack just now, I couldn’t help but feel convinced that although this opponent looked strong, their attack and defense were clearly not on the same level!
This result is not surprising. Liu Qian just used the group attack power, which is much weaker than the single target attack power. In addition, Ling Fengyu gathered the power of the entire clan to create a full set of soul power enhanced to Level 4 blue armor, but Liu Qian’s blue armor is missing one component, and its overall defense is definitely weaker than Ling Fengyu.
After discovering that Liu Qian was also very skilled, and then also discovered the ‘gap’ in the strength comparison between the two sides, Ling Fengyu decided to adopt a lose-lose style of play. Regardless of his own defense, he attacked Liu Qian with all his strength and exchanged injuries for injuries. If he continued like this, he would definitely be consumed first. Kong Liugan’s armor.
As long as Liu Qian is defeated, Ling Fengyu can put all the responsibility for the previous massacre of the Gunners on the military advisor Yu Jingtang.
/At this moment, a player from the elite group of the Glorious Years family sneaked over quietly, raised the bl