d inside.

d inside.
/“Crazy! This man must be crazy!”
“Is there something wrong with his brain? With so many people trying to kill him, why would they rush out to die?”
“Today’s generation of brain-dead people are willing to risk their lives just to save face.”
“Probably because they were killed . I’m trapped in the game and don’t want to live anymore.” “Anyway, I knew I was
to die, but I still rushed out in one breath. This spirit is worthy of praise.”
“What a fool!” There was a lot of discussion.
The clan leader of the Hell Killing Field, several clan leaders of their allied clans, and the elites within the clan couldn’t help but be surprised when they saw Liu Qian killing him single-handedly and rushing directly towards them.
/This person seems to be only level 4, right? There were so many people outside who were ready to surround and kill him, and yet they dared to rush out like this. If he wasn’t mentally ill, there would be nothing else to say.
Everyone took out their weapons and formed a formation to face Liu Qian. While killing this enemy and taking revenge, they also eliminated the big trouble in their hearts. How could such a good opportunity be missed?
“Whoever kills him will be rewarded with five hundred energy coins!” The leader of the Hell Killing Field announced to everyone in the clan alliance.
Liu Gan, who was rushing over, had a sneer on his lips. How could five hundred energy coins take away his life?
Several elites in the clan saw that it was a good opportunity to receive rewards for their meritorious service, and immediately took up weapons and faced Liu Qian.
When Liu Gan approached these people a few meters away, a ripper knife with a faint blue light and an extremely ferocious shape suddenly appeared in his hand. He rushed towards several elites. When the two came into contact, level 5 players were more flexible. The figure suddenly slashed at the neck of one of the elite players.
“Triple critical hit!”
“Super kill!”
The elite player’s head suddenly flew out and rolled to the ground. Until he died, he still maintained the same excited expression as when he rushed over just now, and it wasn’t It was very clear why the picture in front of him suddenly started to roll over and then lay on the ground.
After his head was chopped off, the player had less than two seconds to think about life. These two seconds were not enough for him to understand everything, and then his soul fell into endless darkness.
This is really a sad story.
“Triple critical hit!”
“Super kill!”
“Triple critical hit!”
“Super kill!”
“Triple critical hit!”
“Super kill!”
Liu Qian didn’t use the ‘Bone Crushing Slash’ ability at all. Just waving the ripper in his hand and hitting critical hits with normal attacks is enough to kill these level 4 players with one slash.
In just a moment, five or six corpses were lying on the ground, and then Liu Gan stepped on these corpses and rushed in front of several clan leaders.
In previous online games, these family patriarchs were also th