pond, standing there like a piece of wood. After a few minutes, Wang Bo let go of Liang Ya again, took two steps back, and fell to the ground. Liao Xiaoqing thought Wang Bo tripped and almost screamed.

pond, standing there like a piece of wood. After a few minutes, Wang Bo let go of Liang Ya again, took two steps back, and fell to the ground. Liao Xiaoqing thought Wang Bo tripped and almost screamed.
The two people sitting on the ground communicated for a few more minutes, but Liao Xiaoqing still couldn’t hear. At this time, she was anxious and anxious, wishing that she had good ears or clairvoyance.
Another five or six minutes passed. Wang Bo suddenly stood up from the ground, walked forward, took Liang Ya’s hand, and started talking again. Liang Ya remained indifferent and allowed Wang Bo to hold her hand.
Suddenly, Wang Bo began to point his hand at Liang Ya in front of him. Even though she could not see Wang Bo’s expression or hear the other person’s words, she could only see the other person’s back. With her familiarity with her deskmate, she also You can feel Wang Bo’s excitement at this time!
Wang Bo’s excitement lasted for about a minute. Then, under Liao Xiaoqing’s unbelievable gaze, Wang Bo suddenly bent down, picked up the white paper bag that Liang Ya had just handed to him, and threw it against the wall behind Liang Ya. , then turned around and walked away, trotting back along the way he came.
Liao Xiaoqing suddenly covered his mouth, his heart was beating so hard that he even stopped breathing. In her sight, almost as soon as Wang Bo turned around, Liang Ya bent over and squatted on the ground, covering her mouth like her, probably crying.
Worried that Wang Bo, who was walking over, would find him, the peeping Liao Xiaoqing quickly turned around, passed through the nearby moon gate, passed through the corridor on the first floor, and came to the stairwell in the center of the first floor before stopping out of breath. Although it is not clear what exactly happened, it is certain that the two had a quarrel, and it was a serious quarrel.
“How could there be a quarrel? And the quarrel was so fierce? What happened to the two of them?” Liao Xiaoqing, who had calmed down a little, was full of doubts and confused thoughts.
Liang Ya squatted down, her whole body was like an inflatable person that had been drained of all the air. Tears rolled down her face. She covered her mouth and started crying, her cry hoarse, filled with endless sadness and grievance. She soon began to sob, and her entire chest and even her body began to tremble, like a patient suffering from a heart attack.
In her eyes blurred by tears, she saw Wang Bo staggering on the track of the school playground, walking faster and faster, farther and farther, and his back became smaller and smaller. There seemed to be a pause in the middle, and Liang Ya’s breathing and even heartbeat also paused. She vaguely hoped that the other party would turn around, but the figure that was almost melting into the ink-like night did not turn around and continued to stagger forward until Completely disappeared.
/Liang Ya’s body tilted and fell to the muddy ground beneath her.
/She didn’t know how long she sat there, but it wasn’t until the sou