ve into the Sichuan University campus, I said nothing more. Although Western Sichuan University is located in a remote corner of Bashu, its scale and faculty can rank among the top ten Chinese universities. Its predecessor, Western Sichuan Zhongxi School, was founded in the 19th century. In the late century, it has a history of more than a hundred years. As early as the middle of the last century, it was known as one of the “Top Ten National Universities”. Passat was driving on the lush green road of the huge campus. Li Mingjin began to proudly give The guest explained the famous cultural landscapes in his alma mater, “Dr. Zhang, this is the ‘Ruiwen Building’. The word ‘Rui’ in the name of this building comes from the word ‘Xiangrui’. Xiangrui refers to the virtuous people in ancient China.” When a just emperor rules the country, the revelation given by God is similar to the British King Arthur who can pull out the sword in the stone. Wen refers to “articles”. Since ancient times, China has adopted the rule of civil servants. Even in the troubled times of warlords, those The general will also entrust civilian officials to manage his own territory…”

ve into the Sichuan University campus, I said nothing more. Although Western Sichuan University is located in a remote corner of Bashu, its scale and faculty can rank among the top ten Chinese universities. Its predecessor, Western Sichuan Zhongxi School, was founded in the 19th century. In the late century, it has a history of more than a hundred years. As early as the middle of the last century, it was known as one of the “Top Ten National Universities”. Passat was driving on the lush green road of the huge campus. Li Mingjin began to proudly give The guest explained the famous cultural landscapes in his alma mater, “Dr. Zhang, this is the ‘Ruiwen Building’. The word ‘Rui’ in the name of this building comes from the word ‘Xiangrui’. Xiangrui refers to the virtuous people in ancient China.” When a just emperor rules the country, the revelation given by God is similar to the British King Arthur who can pull out the sword in the stone. Wen refers to “articles”. Since ancient times, China has adopted the rule of civil servants. Even in the troubled times of warlords, those The general will also entrust civilian officials to manage his own territory…”
/Zhang Lisheng looked out the car window and walked back and forth on campus, or walked with textbooks in his arms without forgetting to memorize them by rote, with a frown on his face, making final preparations for the upcoming exam; or he was already The students who had completed all the exams, bought their bus tickets and air tickets, and were waiting to go home with a relaxed look on their faces, listened to the girl’s introduction and said half-truthfully: “Miss Li, you really have a professional tour guide. With the same eloquence, I can tell so many interesting allusions. Western Sichuan University is much bigger than I imagined. How long will it take for us to reach our destination? ”
/It’s just in front, doctor, just around the corner,” the girl answered. The driver turned the steering wheel and turned the car to the right. He drove forward for several hundred meters and slowly stopped in front of an antique red building. “Guo Master, please excuse me.” Li Mingjin said politely to the driver, opened the door and walked out of the car. He saw Zhang Lisheng also got out of the car from the other side of the car. He was looking around, taking in the beautiful scenery around the Red Building, and said: “Dr. Zhang , this is the administrative building of our Sichuan University, called ‘Mingde Building’
It means ‘people are virtuous and self-respecting’. The word ‘virtue’ has a very special meaning in our Chinese culture. It represents the most beautiful sentiments. Please come with me. The Academic Affairs Office is on the first floor. I will take you there.” You go and go through the formalities.”
Chapter 350: Returning Home.
Walking into the ‘Mingde Building’ of Sichuan University, the corridor is long and there are many doors. It can be seen that in order to maintain the historical flavor of this old building designed and built by architect Liang Sichen