Bo was stunned, but he didn’t expect that Gong Jing would go to the mountainous area to support teaching this time. While he was stunned, the girl next to him continued to speak:

Bo was stunned, but he didn’t expect that Gong Jing would go to the mountainous area to support teaching this time. While he was stunned, the girl next to him continued to speak:
“However, after going out for a trip, although it was hard, I figured out some things. What bothered me before was that I wanted to pursue something, but in fact it was not The unrealistic ‘forever’ has forgotten that the most important thing about love is actually ‘it has been useful’.
“Now I have figured it out. When I am with you, I will be happy and enjoy the sweet taste of love with peace of mind. When the day comes that reality really doesn’t allow us to be together, or you don’t like me anymore, or I don’t have feelings for you anymore, then we can get together and part ways.”
The girl slowly whispered in Wang Bo’s ear with a soft voice. The narration was in a relaxed tone and looked optimistic and cheerful, but Wang Bo always felt uncomfortable listening to it. He turned sideways, facing the girl lying on her back on the bed, and gently stroked the girl’s warm side face with his hand. Looking at the other person’s beautiful brown eyes with his sharp nose, he said with some emotion:
“Xiao Jing, I owe you. That night at the Marriott, if I hadn’t been able to control myself.” Wang Bo was about to continue, but the girl blocked his mouth with her hands, her big eyes flashed, she pursed her lips, looked at him and said:
“Little Bo, don’t say that. I was willing that night too. “As if she felt that these words were too frivolous to come out of a girl’s mouth, Gong Jing turned her head to one side and did not look at him, but her graceful and beautiful side face facing Wang Bo turned even redder.
/Gong Jing’s This sentence suddenly brought Wang Bo’s mind back to that night at the Marriott two months ago. That night, when he followed the surging impulse in his body, like a wave, with trembling hands, he half-forced When she took off the girl’s clothes, Gong Jing, who had kept her eyelids tightly closed, suddenly opened her eyes. She looked at him with a shy, nervous, yet determined look and said without hesitation:
“Wang Bo, I, I, I It is necessary to tell you the fact that I am no longer ******. Do you mind? ”
Wang Bo’s heart was shocked! Hearing these familiar words in his ears, he felt as if he had traveled through time and space in the universe, and suddenly he was in college more than ten or twenty years ago. Once, as Gong Jing Liu Shuang, his college boyfriend, often told his roommates about the affairs between him and Gong Jing. One of the incidents was when he was preparing to have sex with his girlfriend in a shabby little hotel that only cost 20 yuan a night. At that critical moment, his girlfriend suddenly looked up and told him bluntly that she had a boyfriend in high school and was no longer a boyfriend, and asked Liu Shuangjie if he didn’t mind. At that time Liu Shuang told the brothers in his dormitory:
“Why don’t I mind? I mind it so much! Who doesn’t like ******? Who likes picking up other pe