Truck drivers are considered knowledgeable people these days, so the appearance of Lexus It immediately attracted many people to watch, and some people who knew the goods even whistled exaggeratedly.

Truck drivers are considered knowledgeable people these days, so the appearance of Lexus It immediately attracted many people to watch, and some people who knew the goods even whistled exaggeratedly.
The women standing on the roadside soliciting business didn’t care what kind of car you were driving. They swarmed up and almost blocked the road. Chang Cheng honked the horn several times but to no avail, and kept tapping the car windows with his hands. , and two aggressive ones were about to get on the front hood of the car.
/Chang Cheng was very angry and was about to open the car window and yell at them. Wen Liang laughed, patted his shoulder and said, “We’re doing business, why don’t you be more enthusiastic? Pull over and eat at the house that’s closest to you.”
Wen Liang got out of the car, no. When the women started to pull people away, they pointed to the signboard in front of them and said, “Huanghuai Hotel, I like this name. Whose is it?”
A young woman who had been squeezed outside raised her white and tender hands, which were crisp and tender. Wen Liang said, “She belongs to my family!”
Wen Liang looked over and saw that the young woman was about thirty years old. Except for her appearance, which was a bit dark, she was actually pretty good. She also had a bit of shyness about soliciting customers on her face. She was not as wolf-like as the others. She smiled and said, “Madam boss, is there still room?”
The lady boss led Wen Liang and Chang Cheng into the store, and said apologetically: “We don’t have room anymore, why don’t you two squeeze in the lobby?”
When you are away from home, you don’t have to be so particular. Wen Liang and Chang Cheng found a table and sat down, casually ordering a few dishes. On the table next to them were seven or eight long-distance truck drivers, chatting animatedly:
“Have you heard that Zhang Erhu was raped? The city arrested them.”
“It’s not a ball. Hundreds of armed policemen directly hit the door. There were dozens of people in a building. No one ran away. They were all handcuffed and taken away!”
“Are they locked up in Nanshan? Will he be sentenced to death?”
“Death penalty? It’s not like that, right?”
“If you ask me, with Zhang Erhu’s virtue, dying ten thousand times would be enough for him.”
“You are stupid, who is Zhang Erhu? If you have enough money, you can let all the women in Shahe wipe their butts together, and some of them will protect you. If you ask me, you can go in for half a month at most, and then you will be fine and go home gloriously!”
“Haha, Lao Li, your mother-in-law Did you use Zhang Erhu’s money to wipe your butt? Otherwise, how do you know so much about it?”
“Get out! I want to wipe your butt for your charming new wife, Lao Gao, are you willing to do so?”
“Yes, Why can’t you give it up? It’s a hundred yuan for one rub!”
The more he spoke, the more filthy he said, and he went straight to Xiasan Road. His words were not concealed, especially when he said it. There were four young people sitting at another table next to