es suddenly became wandering, and he said after a while: “That was more than ten years ago, when I was assigned to serve as a soldier in Guangxi, and the station was far away. Cenxi City is not far away.”

es suddenly became wandering, and he said after a while: “That was more than ten years ago, when I was assigned to serve as a soldier in Guangxi, and the station was far away. Cenxi City is not far away.”
This story is neither long nor short. To sum up, when Chang Cheng was a soldier in Cenxi, he once went out on vacation. While shopping, he encountered a thief who acted bravely. Unexpectedly, the thief was also organized. At the moment Four or five people came up and surrounded him, holding white daggers in their hands. At that time, Chang Cheng was not as refined as he is today. Dealing with five armed gangsters at the same time would have disastrous consequences. At the critical moment, a passing girl stepped forward to help, and with just a few simple moves, she knocked the thief to the ground unable to move, which attracted Chang Cheng’s attention.
Later he found out that the girl was using the little trick. Chain punches.
“A few years ago when I passed through Cenxi on a mission, I secretly left the team to see her. Although I only took a look from a distance, I saw her smiling happily with her husband and son, and I knew that she was living a happy life. , I feel relieved.” It could
/be seen that Chang Cheng had already let go of the past, but Wen Liang still asked: “What would you do if something like this happened now?”
There was a fierce light in Chang Cheng’s eyes. , said: “What if I fucked his grandma until now, and my family objected? I’ll get married first, and then I’ll be done with it.” Wen Liang
laughed loudly and said, “That’s what I said to you, this month Double the salary!”
Chang Cheng was a little overwhelmed with happiness. Based on his understanding of gentleness and forgiveness, he definitely didn’t look like such a generous person. He squinted and asked, “Don’t dig another hole for me to jump into, right?”
“How can you? What?” Wen Liang said with a smile: “I originally wanted to bribe you to teach me this boxing, but since it is a secret that is not taught to others, it’s okay not to learn it.”
Wen Liang has never been a person who cares about rules. The more secrets that are not passed on, the more we must learn them. Especially this ancient tradition of cherishing the broom has led to the loss of so many excellent cultures, and it should be swept into the garbage heap of history. But because this set of boxing had special meaning to Chang Cheng, he temporarily changed his tune.
/Chang Cheng was grateful in his heart, but he refused to give up and said: “It’s nothing to teach, but boss, you have low qualifications, so I’m afraid you won’t be able to learn.” The two of them were talking nonsense while eating the breakfast they bought from outside. Unknowingly, they were already fast. At eight o’clock, the landline phone in the living room suddenly rang. Wen Liang stopped Chang Cheng who was about to get up to answer the phone. He walked over to pick it up, but it was Wen Huaiming’s voice: “Why don’t you answer your phone?”
Wen Liang touched it. Touching his pocket, he reme