For example, pyramid selling, was it an illegal act that was severely cracked down on before? Not only was it not the case, but for a period of time, the relevant departments also allowed them to register and issued licenses. So as economic investigation police, we We must not only enforce the law impartially in accordance with existing laws and regulations, but also be a little forward-looking, and have a sense of mission and responsibility to protect economic construction. After all, China is so big, and there are so many things happening every day, and it is impossible for superiors to know everything. We often encounter this at work, and we have the responsibility and obligation to report it to our superiors and give them a heads-up.”

For example, pyramid selling, was it an illegal act that was severely cracked down on before? Not only was it not the case, but for a period of time, the relevant departments also allowed them to register and issued licenses. So as economic investigation police, we We must not only enforce the law impartially in accordance with existing laws and regulations, but also be a little forward-looking, and have a sense of mission and responsibility to protect economic construction. After all, China is so big, and there are so many things happening every day, and it is impossible for superiors to know everything. We often encounter this at work, and we have the responsibility and obligation to report it to our superiors and give them a heads-up.”
/No wonder he can become a leader at such a young age. He does stand higher than others and sees further than others.
Han Bo’s expression was not fake at all. Liu Xiangrong felt that his immediate superior was not trying to “set fire” in the economic investigation detachment. The stone hanging in his heart finally fell, and he personally helped move the materials so that the leader could conduct “research”.
Thinking that there were too many materials, the leader might not be able to finish the “research” even if he stayed in the detachment for a week, let alone today. In the end, he insisted on giving Han Bo an “assistant”, letting his former student Cui Min, a policeman from the first brigade, Come and start.
/They had no choice but to leave the young man behind, so they wouldn’t worry about it, so Han Bo could only accept the good offer.
“Bureau Han, what do you want to see, I will help you sort it out.” The former teacher became the leader of the bureau. Not only was Cui Min not worried at all, but he was very excited, with an excited expression on his face.
Han Bo closed the door of the conference room, stared into his eyes and asked, “Cui Min, how many years have you been working?” ”
Reporting to Bureau Han, I have been working for 12 years. I started in the Economic Investigation Brigade of Luohu Branch and was transferred to the Bureau the year before last. From the detachment.”
“Have you ever joined the party?”
“You joined the party when you were in school.”
“I have been working for twelve years and you joined the party when you were in school. You can say that you are an old comrade and old party member.” Han Bo changed the subject: ” Comrade Cui Min, since you are already here, you must know the work to be done next, so I want to emphasize the confidentiality discipline. Everything that happens here must be strictly confidential!”
Is the leader really dissatisfied with the work of the detachment? Cui Min I was shocked, but thinking that I was just a deputy squadron, even if the leader wanted to hit me, he couldn’t hit me. He subconsciously promised: “Don’t worry, Director Han, I will strictly keep the secret.” ”
Okay, let’s start looking at the materials. You are responsible for this Dui, help me sort out the report materials involving the Congqing C