unch boxes to characters is so effective. I just don’t know how everyone will react when they see tomorrow’s update.”

“I’m curious about the ratings.”
“What are the ratings of these two episodes?”
At this point in the discussion, the atmosphere became tense again. Although there was a lot of discussion about this new plot on the Internet, the ratings will determine the future fate of this TV series.
The director suddenly became excited. He smiled at home and typed out a line: “The ratings of our drama have nearly doubled compared to the previous episode!”
“I go!”
“So stupid?”
/“Chu Kuang is awesome!”
“That’s okay. Are today’s audiences so heavy-handed? Director, don’t say anything. Let’s continue filming at this pace!”
Everyone is excited!
/Although this rating is still not very impressive, after all, it was too popular before, but now it can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. The people who discuss it online are also limited to a small group of people who follow the show, but Jiang Yuyan has only appeared in two episodes. The effect has surprised everyone, and it has also given everyone a little more confidence in the upcoming plot!
The audience would never have imagined this moment!
Jiang Yuyan’s madness has just begun!
Ratings doubled?
Lin Yuan learned the news in Zhao Jue’s excited voice, but he was not that surprised.
Because the audience base of this show is really poor.
With such a poor foundation, what if the ratings doubled?
Compared with the investment scale and cast of this drama, it can only be regarded as a passing grade. There are still not many people who really pay attention to this drama.
Is there any way to bring this show to attention quickly?
Lin Yuan thought for a while and said, “Let’s announce to the public that my friend Chu Kuang has taken over the script.”
“Announce it to the public?”
Zhao Jue was stunned and hesitated: “How about observing a few more episodes?”
It is certainly a good thing to announce that Chu Kuang has taken over the script. Chu Kuang’s fame will definitely attract countless audiences!
But if the audience is dissatisfied with the subsequent plot, won’t Chu Kuang have to take the blame?
“It’s fine.”
Lin Yuan wanted to use Chu Kuang’s reputation as an old thief to fuel the drama.
It can be seen from the response to tonight’s two episodes that Jiang Yuyan’s card is still very useful.
“Then I really announced it.”
The matter was settled.
ten minutes later.
Xingmang directly announced:
Swish, swish, swish!
The news immediately attracted a lot of attention:
“Has old thief Chu Kuang taken over “Yang Xiaofan and Qin Tiange”?”
“Isn’t this show already a hit?”
“The old thief has taken action. It seems like this show can be saved. I’m going to check it out right now!”
“Will the old thief take over this drama and save it? Are you sure he won’t directly write off the two protagonists?”
“Don’t forget that the old thief has written the protagonist to death in two consecutive books. Sherlock Holmes is actually dead, but the old thi