ul death method at the end to let them experience the feeling of being killed by others, so there are secret trials. There are also secret punishments for those who are the masterminds of some cases that cannot be made public, and even some criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes. In addition to hanging, they can be strangled to death, and there are also electrocutions, where criminals are electrocuted to death, including burning, etc., according to what the criminals want. It is up to the person to kill, but due to some considerations, hanging is usually the method. That is to say, hang him directly.

ul death method at the end to let them experience the feeling of being killed by others, so there are secret trials. There are also secret punishments for those who are the masterminds of some cases that cannot be made public, and even some criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes. In addition to hanging, they can be strangled to death, and there are also electrocutions, where criminals are electrocuted to death, including burning, etc., according to what the criminals want. It is up to the person to kill, but due to some considerations, hanging is usually the method. That is to say, hang him directly.
So as expected, Wang Longchuan should be executed like this.
When I heard that Wang Longchuan was going to be executed, I suddenly said, “He cannot die.”
Fan Zhen looked at me and asked, “Why, do you sympathize with him?”
I shook my head and said, “How could I be such a heinous murderer?” Sympathy, I just think there is something strange here. He cannot be executed like this before the case is ascertained.”
Fan Zhen said: “I know, but we have no evidence to prove that he was premeditated, and such a dangerous criminal, In order to avoid long nights and many dreams. So I can only give him this punishment, not to mention this is the meaning above, and I can’t violate it.”
I continued to ask Fan Zhen: “Have you never thought about why he killed the prison guard, and why he wanted to Kill him like this? The strangest thing is why he ate the meat from the prison guard’s chest instead of digging out his brain and eating it?”
Fan Zhen looked at me, and he didn’t know what he was thinking in his deep eyes. . He said: “Do you also think he should eat his brains in that situation?”
I noticed that there was an extra word “ye” in Fan Zhen’s words, which meant that I was not the only one who had such thoughts, and Soon I knew who this person was who had the same idea as me. I said, “You feel the same way, don’t you? So you also think there is something fishy about him eating Tian Wenzhong’s breast meat.”
Fan Zhen’s silence represented acquiescence. , he asked me: “What do you think about this?”
I said: “He used such a perverted killing method just to cover up something. Maybe the problem lies in that piece of breast meat, and all the clues are in that piece of meat Come on.” Come to Hua Hall for blood.
Fan Zhen said: “But now this piece of meat has been completely eaten by him, and we have no way to verify it, unless Wang Longchuan is willing to say it himself.”
I said: “I want to talk to him.”
Fan Zhen asked me: “Are you sure? ”
I shook my head and said, “No, but I want to give it a try.”
Fan Zhen said, “I can’t make the decision on this matter. I need to report it to my superiors and get approval from them.”
I asked, “How long will this take?”
/Fan Zhen said Zhen said, “The results won’t be known until tomorrow.”
I said, “Then I’ll wait for your news tomorrow.”
I thought our conversation should be over by now, so I planned to leave, but Fan Zhen seemed to have something else to say