Body Technique unfolded, appearing behind several people in a few strokes, one sword at a time, piercing directly, and the power of the Four Spirits Chongyang Sword exploded, directly burning several people into charred corpses.

Body Technique unfolded, appearing behind several people in a few strokes, one sword at a time, piercing directly, and the power of the Four Spirits Chongyang Sword exploded, directly burning several people into charred corpses.
Dang Dang Dang
At this moment, warning bells suddenly sounded from the villa in the distance.
/“What’s the point of warning?” Yuan Shihong sneered.
“Grandpa!” Wan’er quickly leaned towards him.
“Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, no one can hurt you.” Yuan Shihong said softly, hugging Wan’er.
/Bang bang bang
Suddenly there was a burst of applause in the forest.
A middle-aged man with free and easy features stepped out holding a sword and looked at the two of them with a sarcastic expression.
“It turns out to be Master Yuan. You’re fine. It’s been so long. I didn’t expect you to still be so disgusted.”
“Yellow shirt? It seems you are hiding here.” Yuan Shihong suddenly understood and sneered. “My Yuan family does not marry outsiders. This has always been the rule. Whether it is disgusting or not is not up to you.”
“Do you want to keep your bloodline pure?” Huang Shan was noncommittal. “I don’t know why you came here?”
“What’s the reason? I have found out that Lingxin Villa is harboring fugitives. The crime is unforgivable, so I came here to the Zhengzong Sect.” Yuan Shihong said coldly. “As for you, who betrayed the sect and violated the vow you made so painstakingly, you should follow me back to the sect and plead guilty.”
“Fugitive? I don’t know who the fugitive is that my uncle refers to?” Huang Shi’s face said. The sneer was gone, replaced by indifference.
“Who is he referring to? Of course he is referring to you!!”
As soon as Yuan Shihong finished speaking, this person suddenly disappeared and appeared next to Huang Shi in an instant, stabbing him with the Jin Lin Sword.
But it was stabbed in the air. Unexpectedly, Huang Shan also moved away with a flash of movement, and the whole person appeared more than ten meters away. All he left behind was an afterimage.
“The Shining Body Technique? Is it still the fourth level!? I didn’t expect that you would be able to practice Qing Gong to such an extent at your level.” A hint of anger flashed in Yuan Shihong’s eyes.
“Thanks for the compliment from Master, I’m very honored.” Huang Shi was sweating on his vest at this time. Just now, he was almost killed by a sword. But he has seen the power of that golden magic sword. Even a seventh-level Qi practitioner He has also been killed instantly with a sword, not to mention his mere second level.
As he spoke, he flashed one after another and kept moving away from Yuan Shihong’s position.
“Can you run away?” Yuan Shihong didn’t panic at all, “If you dare to sneak attack on me, Wan’er, and I won’t catch you and skin you and extract my marrow, you really think that I, Yuan Shihong, are easy to mess with!” He didn’t believe how long the other party could sustain such continuous attacks. Advanced body skills.
There is a huge gap in the total amount of spiritual energy b