ingjing!” Hu Jun took a few steps forward and knelt down to Liu Gan on the spot with a very wronged and angry expression. He kowtowed deeply several times.

ingjing!” Hu Jun took a few steps forward and knelt down to Liu Gan on the spot with a very wronged and angry expression. He kowtowed deeply several times.
“Please Master Liu, make the decision for us!” Zhou Jingjing also cried and crawled over and knelt down to Liu Gan.
“It’s unfair! I definitely didn’t rape his wife, please let Mr. Liu check it out!” Treadmill loudly defended Liu Qian.
“What did you see? What’s going on?” Liu Gan saw that both sides were arguing, so he had to ask two bystanders, Huang Weitao and Qi Shaohua.
“I don’t know, I just saw the two of them suddenly fighting.” Huang Weitao and Qi Shaohua both had confused expressions on their faces.
Liu Qian glanced at Zhou Jingjing. It looked like she had been raped. Her clothes were torn, there were black spots on her eyes and cheeks, her mouth was cracked, and she looked like she was crying very sadly.
“Master Liu, I really don’t have one! Look at me, I’m so handsome, graceful, and majestic. I don’t know how many female team members are chasing me in the prison. As for me, am I so perverted that I would rape his wife? There is no way I can degrade my taste.” Is it such a low standard?” Treadmill felt something bad when he saw Liu Qian’s expression, and quickly defended himself a few times.
“You shameless rapist! How dare you lie in front of Mr. Liu!” Hu Jun looked at the treadmill murderously. If Liu Gan wasn’t here, he seemed to have killed the treadmill.
“Wu Lei, go and call Captain Han up. You can stay and study the anchor for him.” After thinking for a moment, Liu Gan said to Wu Lei.
“Okay.” Wu Lei responded and quickly ran to the stern of the ship and went downstairs to find Han Guangming.
No one in the middle hall said anything. Hu Jun glared at the treadmill, which had an innocent look on its face. Zhou Jingjing was still crying quietly.
“Master Liu called me?” Han Guangming came up from the cabin soon and greeted Liu Qian.
“Are you a college student at the police academy?” Liu Gan asked Han Guangming.
“Yes.” Han Guangming nodded.
“This is what happened now.” Liu Gan briefly told Han Guangming the facts of the case.
“Which one of the three of them do you think is lying?” Liu Gan asked Han Guangming after he finished speaking. There is currently no way to solve the problem of the airship drifting on the ocean, and there is no clue about the disappearance of the Milky Way. This rape case looks a bit strange. Liu Gan feels that it may be related to the strange things that happened on the airship, so he decided to start from Find a breakthrough in this matter and see if we can find any clues.
“Is that so? Who were present at that time?” Han Guangming asked the team members in the middle hall.
/“We were present when the two of them were fighting, but the rape was not here. We didn’t see it.” Huang Weitao and Qi Shaohua quickly clarified.
“Okay, there are five people here now. Zhao Meng, take good care of these five people. Mr. Liu and I will interrogate them individually and listen to their confessions. Then I will inv