ng, Miss Yaji, who is this?” The young man showed that he was in the upper class social circle of New York. Out of good manners, in accordance with the common etiquette of the ‘Greenleaf Continent’, he kissed the girl’s middle finger, turned his eyes to the old man aside and asked.

ng, Miss Yaji, who is this?” The young man showed that he was in the upper class social circle of New York. Out of good manners, in accordance with the common etiquette of the ‘Greenleaf Continent’, he kissed the girl’s middle finger, turned his eyes to the old man aside and asked.
“I am Dalen Wo. Mi Xint, Yaji’s father, the owner of the ‘Golden Flower Trading Company’. I welcome you to tonight’s banquet, Your Excellency Zhang Lisheng.
Your arrival will make the ‘Golden Flower Stem Manor’ shine.” The silver-haired old man replied directly. Although his words were polite, his attitude naturally seemed very strong. At first glance, he seemed to be someone who had been in power for a long time.
“You are too kind, Mr. Darenwall. I should be the one to thank you and Miss Yaji for your kind invitation.” Facing such a master, Zhang Lisheng, who had no intention of showing off his edge, said with a modest smile.
Hearing this, the old man smiled and said no longer politely, “I’m sorry, Mr. Li Sheng, I saw a few old friends coming. I’ll say goodbye for a while and wish you a pleasant night.”, and walked to the stone road next to him. Several gorgeous carriages that had just stopped together walked away.
/“Honestly, you should come to the banquet in formal attire. You can’t dance in a robe. If you want to change into a formal dress, go to the Sacney butler.” Yaji looked at the young man’s fat robe, whispered, and followed. Behind his father, he went to greet other guests.
Of course, Zhang Lisheng, who was free, would not go to the butler to change into a dress. He felt that he had shown enough goodwill by attending the dinner according to custom, and then hid in an inconspicuous place and enjoyed the wine and food of the ‘different world’ while waiting. It would be wise to end the party.
I thought of this young man walking quickly into the hall of the manor house, taking a glass of red wine from the dining table, walking through the crowd in full view of the crowd, walking around to the corner, leaning against the wall, and sipping the wine silently.
The tree wanted to be quiet but the wind was still blowing. Because of Zhang Lisheng’s unique appearance and his special status of holding the trading rights of the Hell Tribe, although he was hiding in the corner at first, he inevitably attracted attention. Several wealthy businessmen even deliberately went to talk to him. .
However, as the banquet progressed, the joyful atmosphere became more and more intense. When the four opening dances were over and people were free to invite dances, the surroundings of the young man who had always behaved very withdrawn suddenly became peaceful.
After getting his wish, Zhang Lisheng happily went out to put a few pieces of pastries on the dining plate. He stood in a corner of the hall and watched with cold eyes the mainlanders dancing to the accompaniment of the band’s soothing music thirty or forty meters away. A greedy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously.
/Once the Hell Islands are unified, his next wa