me Minister, is her plan really feasible?” Cao Cao said: “It’s feasible or not, how can you know if you don’t try it. Zhongkang, do you also think that I use this desperate plan? Is it too sinister?”

me Minister, is her plan really feasible?” Cao Cao said: “It’s feasible or not, how can you know if you don’t try it. Zhongkang, do you also think that I use this desperate plan? Is it too sinister?”
Xu Chu said: “I dare not. If you, a kid from Jiangdong, dare to disobey the prime minister, you will be punished with death. Even if you don’t use poisonous tactics, the general will lead a victorious army and conquer Jiangdong.”
Cao Cao shook his head slightly and said: “The Sun family has dominated Jiangdong for three generations. It is deeply rooted and the people are loyal. If we don’t use extraordinary measures, we will definitely be trapped in the quagmire of war and will not be able to escape. Although we have a large number of people, we are not accustomed to the climate and the soil, and our combat power has been exhausted.” Weakened a lot. Now the disease is raging, and there are countless soldiers killed and injured. If it drags on any longer, it will be detrimental to the overall situation. Besides, do you really think that I led a million troops to flatten Jiangdong? No! After taking Jiangdong, these soldiers will stay permanently Jiangdong, multiply, spread, and assimilate the people. I want to fundamentally uproot the foundation of the Soochow family!”
With that, Cao Cao walked to the map and said: “We should capture Jiangdong. It’s Yizhou, and then Xiliang, these rebellious officials and traitors, I will punish them one by one!”
/After hearing this, Xu Chu shouted: “The Prime Minister is wise!”
Hua Tuo returned to his tent, thought for a long time, and finally sighed, packed his medicine box, and left He wrote a note and walked out of the tent. However, after just a few steps, two strong men in golden armor stopped in front of him. One of them said: “Please stay in your tent and wait for the Prime Minister to summon you.”
Hua Tuo, who always treated others with a kind smile, now looked cold. Shuang, he didn’t say anything, just shook his sleeves slightly, and the two strong men in golden armor suddenly tilted and fell down.
“Young man, please have a good sleep for a few hours.” After Hua Tuo finished speaking, he passed the two of them and walked toward the outskirts of the camp. During this period, Hua Tuo cleverly avoided patrolling soldiers and sentries one after another, and arrived at a side gate of the camp as if invisible. The gatekeepers stopped him. Hua Tuo only said that the prime minister was in critical condition and needed some herbs urgently, and he would go out to the camp to collect them. The soldiers guarding the gate were afraid that they would be punished for delaying the prime minister’s condition, so they let him go.
In this way, Hua Tuo successfully left Cao Ying.
When they reached the top of a mountain, Hua Tuo turned around and looked down at the densely packed tents at the bottom of the mountain. The geese were already standing in the Qingtian Pavilion. Hua Tuo couldn’t help but sigh, “I thought that after saving the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister would be kind