stopped after breaking countless bamboos. After landing, he still spurted out a mouthful of hot blood. And just when Jin Yanzi struggled to stand up, a water-blue whip shadow in the bamboo forest circled the bamboos like a spiritual snake and wrapped tightly around Jin Yanzi’s slender and white neck.

stopped after breaking countless bamboos. After landing, he still spurted out a mouthful of hot blood. And just when Jin Yanzi struggled to stand up, a water-blue whip shadow in the bamboo forest circled the bamboos like a spiritual snake and wrapped tightly around Jin Yanzi’s slender and white neck.
Victor didn’t have any sympathy for her. With a strong tug on the Water God Whip in his hand, Jin Yanzi, who was a hundred meters away, was dragged over by him and fell heavily in front of Victor. Victor stretched out his big hand and was about to lift Jin Yanzi up. However, Jin Yanzi still did not give up at this time. As soon as he turned over, a purple-gold light shot towards Victor. At such a close distance, the purple-gold dart was extremely fast, so it was not easy to dodge it. The dart shot into Victor’s body and penetrated directly. However, what was splashed was not blood, but water splashes. The dart seemed not to penetrate the human body, but to fall into the calm lake.
But Victor suddenly split into two. The “Victor” that was pierced by the dart turned into a ball of exploding water with a splash. But another Victor suddenly appeared beside Jin Yanzi. He kicked Jin Yanzi’s hand that shook out the dart. With a “click”, Jin Yanzi’s wrist was kicked off.
/In an instant, surging labor pains penetrated Jin Yanzi’s body, and the redness on her face receded as if the tide was ebbing.
Victor sneered. Then he kicked away Jin Yanzi’s pipa, double swords, and hidden weapon bag, completely disarming Jin Yanzi. Then, I don’t know how Victor did it. The ground suddenly spewed out viscous liquid, immersing the golden swallow in the liquid, leaving only its head. It looks like the golden swallow is like a small insect trapped in amber, with its hands and feet bound by the viscous liquid and unable to move.
/“Are you also the running dog of the old thief in Yujiang?” Jin Yanzi said. The voice was pleasant and sweet, like the cry of spring swallows, but the tone was cold, and when he spoke of the “Old Thief of Yujiang”, there was even more gnashing hatred.
Victor slowly rolled up the Water God Whip, squatted down, and brushed his rough fingers on Golden Swallow’s delicate and tender cheeks. Jin Yanzi instinctively turned his head to avoid. A pair of eyes blazing with anger and cold gaze. Victor smiled, ignored Jin Yanzi’s question, and praised: “I’m glad to meet you, beautiful Chinese girl. You look better than in reality.”
In fact, Victor didn’t dare to force Jin Yanzi. Pushed too hard. He is very afraid of the “Swallow-shaped Immortal Killing Hairpin” in Jin Yanzi’s hand. This kind of magic weapon can kill even gods. It is too easy to kill Victor. But Victor also knew that this hairpin was used by Jin Yanzi to deal with the Jade War God. It was the only one in the world. As long as Jin Yanzi was not forced into a desperate situation, she would not use it easily.
Jin Yanzi said: “If you want to kill or behead me, it’s up to you!”
Victor shook his finger and said: “No, no, no. I won’t kill you.” Holding Jin Y