ble to make a difference, but he did not expect that because of his good relationship with Ji Zheng, which was tabooed by Zhao Yuan Dazhu, not only was he not promoted, but he was even dismissed as a useless production team leader.

ble to make a difference, but he did not expect that because of his good relationship with Ji Zheng, which was tabooed by Zhao Yuan Dazhu, not only was he not promoted, but he was even dismissed as a useless production team leader.
In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. The young man in his prime and with great ambitions has entered middle age, but still has achieved nothing. He Xiaobo’s mentality has long since changed. Every time Ji Zheng was promoted, a sharp thorn was buried in his heart, piercing his heart day and night. But every celebration, as a good friend, he had to attend, with a smile on his face but bleeding in his heart.
/A gentleman regards his friend’s happiness as his own happiness, and a villain regards his friend’s happiness as his own pain. So when the opportunity suddenly came, He Xiaobo chose to betray without hesitation.
/On the battlefield of future and friendship, Ji Zheng lost completely!
He Xiaobo got his wish and was appreciated by Yuan Dazhu, and within a few days he became the section chief of the production planning department. From worker to section chief, he took this step for seventeen years.
The office director took the microphone and said: “Everyone, be quiet, be quiet. Each workshop will report the list later. Those who did not come will be dealt with seriously. Okay, let’s start the meeting now. Director Yuan has important matters. Today’s meeting will be chaired by Director Xia. Now, Director Xia is welcome to speak!”
Xia Zhizhong frowned. Deputy Director Wang, who was closest to Yuan Dazhu, was unwilling to do such an evil thing today, so he went to attend the signing ceremony. , he couldn’t do it even if he didn’t want to, so he had to accept this task. He thought clearly about the pros and cons. His relationship with Yuan Dazhu was not as close as that of Lao Wang. Qinghua Chemical Plant could no longer be saved. Yuan Dazhu would be promoted as soon as things happened here. The future of his family depended on him. , how can we keep our glory and wealth without putting in some effort?
Power is undoubtedly the best aphrodisiac!
Xia Zhizhong coughed, tapped the microphone with his finger, and after a banging sound came out, he said in a deep voice: “Comrades, the Qinghua Chemical Plant has gone through ups and downs for decades since its establishment, and has experienced many times. Despite setbacks and even tribulations, we Qinghua Chemical Plant people have withstood the tests again and again with the spirit of tenacious struggle and self-improvement. It can be said that without your fathers and you, there would be no Qinghua Chemical Plant today. But the times have come to this point, Development and reform are the top priorities at the moment. Although I am very sad, I have to say that the current situation of Qingzhou Chemical Plant has hindered the pace of development and reform in Qingzhou. In this regard, we must obey the overall situation.” There was an
uproar in the audience, and there was a burst of discussion. He Xiaobo sneered in