house, he was surprised to see, The door was already crowded with several times more people than before, looking eagerly.

house, he was surprised to see, The door was already crowded with several times more people than before, looking eagerly.
Those in the front row who witnessed the tragedy all expressed fear.
But the strange thing is that these people rarely moved, forcing those in the row to The travelers behind could only hold their cameras high, swing their arms blindly, and take continuous pictures of “chachacha…” and then use the pictures to understand what happened.
Seeing Zhang Lisheng walking out of the ancient house at the scene of the murder, the focus of the front row cameras turned to him, and the flashlights kept flashing.
Zhang Lisheng covered his face in a panic, strode up to Tao Lielin who had just finished calling the police, and asked, “Uncle Ah Lie, what’s going on? Are there so many people here?” “There was a
noise in your house last night. It’s so big. This kind of thing happened again this morning. How can we hide it?
With a little effort, tourists from the whole village are gathered here.
/We can’t stop it even if we want to, we can only wait for the police to arrive. .”
“Uncle Ah Lie, there are robbers everywhere, the police won’t cause trouble, right?”
Listen to your uncle carefully. When the police arrive soon, just say whatever you want. Explain it carefully and don’t be vague. “Tao Lielin thought for a while, and finally said sincerely.
“It’s Uncle Ah Lie. I must have something to say. “Zhang Lisheng hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said insincerely.
十六章 佢县刑警大队的“福尔摩斯”